A true wonder happened in our yard today. After many months of being forgotten about in a 1st grade classroom, we had a swallowtail hatch. Is hatch the correct word? Anyway, you know what I mean.
At the beginning of the school year, our neighbor gave us a large bunch of parsley with caterpillars munching away for the kids to discover. We immediately put them in the kids bug house. The following Monday Elly took them to school with her favorite bedtime story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle.
The class watched them make their cocoons and they waited and waited and eventually lost interest. After all, doesn't the story say it takes "More than two weeks"? So in kid time, they should have been hatched out and flying around the classroom by the following Friday. Right?
At the end of the school year, Mrs T. returned the house with a, " So sorry I forgot about this".
I in turn put the bug house and it's dried out contents on the porch and promptly forgot about the whole thing, just like Mrs. T.
Well, the kids hadn't forgotten and apparently opened the cover several days ago. Today we had a beautiful surprise. One of the 3 pupa had opened and warmed its wings so we could snap a few photots before it flew away.